Title: Tutorial
Author: Jo
Pairing: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
Rating: PG
Summary: Orlando watches.
Disclaimer: Completely untrue. I made the entire thing up, yo.
Notes: For airgiodslv -- Happy birthday!

Turn. Shift. Thrust. Again.

Feel the power, strength, smoothness of the motion. Don't jerk. Easy -- let it flow; never force it.

That's it.

Orlando sat and watched. Admired. Smiled when Viggo glanced over. Sword training was the best part of the day. Viggo shirtless, sweaty, graceful as he practiced, each move pure, perfect.

Lean muscles flexed, rippled, hinting at sleek violence, iron control. Orlando wondered if Viggo was that controlled in everything he did.

Not that he'd ever find out. He didn't want to -- this was what it was. Lust: plain, simple...unrequited.

Viggo looked over, smiled.

Then again...maybe not.
