Title: Romance - Vegas Style Series: The Bet Author: Brenda Pairing: Ben Roethlisberger/Matt Hasselbeck Rating: PG13 Summary: Ben plans a getaway. Disclaimer: Never happened, isn't happening now. Notes: For my Going-To-Hell-Partner-In-Crime-Jo, because, really, nothing says 'Happy Valentine's Day' like a cheezy-Vegas Honeymoon Suite. *grins*
"Hey, now, this here is the best suite The Prancing Pony has to offer. Lookit the size of the bed." "With red satin sheets." "Fully stocked mini-bar." "Full of cheap champagne." "Great view." "Of the strip joint across the street." "Jacuzzi big enough for me to fuck you nice and slow." "Nice, but not exactly romantic." "You want romance or you want my cock buried in your ass until we're too exhausted to move?" "Well, when you put it like that...fuck romance."