Title: Reciprocation
Series: Changes
Author: Brenda
Pairing: Viggo Mortensen/Craig Parker
Rating: NC17
Summary: Viggo has his own tricks.
Disclaimer: Vampires don't exist. And I sincerely doubt that Viggo ever fucked Craig.
Notes: For Ribby, for this drabble challenge.

"You didn't forget much, did you, tiger?" Craig's laughter was breathless, body boneless, thought he might never move again. Then again, here -- splayed amongst silk sheets -- was a pretty good place. Here he could feel the slow, steady beat of Viggo's heart, feel the prickle of fangs burning against his neck, tightly muscled body pressing his into the mattress, the thick, full glide of Viggo's cock deep inside him, setting off sparks behind closed eyelids.

Viggo lapped at a thin trickle of blood, smiled against Craig's neck. "Good teacher," he murmured, started moving again -- slow, steady, smooth -- student surpassing the teacher.
