Title: Pop Star
Author: Jo
Pairing: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki
Rating: PG
Summary: Jensen contemplates a career change
Disclaimer: Absolute, 100% fiction. I made up the whole thing.
Notes: For phaballa's First Line meme.

"So, I think I'm going to give up the whole pop music thing and become a rapper."

“You…what?” Jared looks up from his magazine, sure he heard that wrong. But fuck if Jensen doesn't look serious.

“A rapper.” Jensen does some weird thing with his hands that might be a rap 'sign', but just looks silly.

Jared just stares at Jensen. “A rapper. Dude… You're an actor.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So…” How to say this without just flat out telling Jensen that he's stark raving batshit insane? Finally, Jared just shakes his head and goes back to the magazine. “Have fun.”
