Title: Double Your Bet
Series: The Bet
Author: Brenda
Pairing: Ben Roethlisberger/Matt Hasselbeck
Rating: PG13
Summary: Helluva way to wake up in Hawaii.
Disclaimer: Never happened, isn't happening now.

He rolls instinctively into the warmth before it dawns on him that there's someone else in the bed. One blue eye, heavy with fatigue, cracks open, and the slow blink turns into stare when he sees the all-too familiar cocky grin staring down at him. "The fuck..." His voice is rough with sleep.

"Told you ten hours." Gentle, but firm, hands turn him over, and he's pinned down by a slightly heavier body. "Do I even get an aloha kiss?"

He leans up into the kiss before his brain catches up with the fact that this is actually happening. He promptly loses the thought in the next meeting of lips and tongues, the slow shift of a hard, naked body pressing him into the mattress. It's only when they part, both breathing heavy, that brain power returns. "You were already gonna come out here, weren't you?"

"Well yeah." Hazel-green eyes flash with amusement. "But I still won the bet."

"The...oh fuck."

"Nice and slow, just like I said." Callused fingers stroke over a goatee in pretend concentration. "You got the skirt?"

Desperate times call for desperate measures. "Why don't we make it double or nothing?"

"What'd you have in mind?"
