Title: Deck Chairs
Author: Jo
Pairing: Christian Kane/Steve Carlson
Rating: PG
Summary: barefoot
Disclaimer: Absolutely 100% fiction.
Notes: Written for killerweasel, from this post.

Chris flopped down on the deckchair, placed the fresh beer on Steve's stomach. He almost fell over laughing when Steve shot straight up, cussing a blue streak.

"Bastard," Steve muttered, giving Chris a dark look after his heart stopped racing.

"Didn't want you fallin' asleep," Chris said with an unrepentant grin.

"Fuck off."

"Nah." Chris swung his feet up into Steve's lap.

Steve shoved them off, slid his chair a few inches away. "Get them things off me."

"They're clean."

"They're funny-looking."

"I got cute feet."

"Who says?"

"My mama. Gonna argue with her?"

"Fuck off."

"Here we go again."
