Title: Consorted
Authors: Jo & Brenda
Series: Claimed, part 3
Pairings: Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom/Harry Sinclair/David Wenham; (Sean Bean/Dominic Monaghan; Viggo Mortensen/??)
Rating: NC17
Summary: New vamps, new pets...and, yeah. All of the old fave vamps & pets, too. Plus, Elijah goes on a date. *grins*
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And we doubt any of these things ever happened. But, you never know.
Author's Notes: As ever, you guys all rock. We are humbled & thankful that so many of you love these guys as much as we do. We hope this last part entertains. *mwah*

"Things must change
We must rearrange them"

-- Depeche Mode

Dave walked towards the bar, dazed. Harry had thanked him. And kissed him. Okay, so it was just on the cheek, but still....

Dave was several steps ahead of Harry, but his body was frighteningly aware of the exact second Harry drew up and fell into step beside him. He glanced over. Harry still had that faintly smug, completely satisfied smile on his face. Bloody hell. Getting laid did agree with him. What sucked was that Dave wasn't the one who was laying him.

"I take it Karl apologized?" Even to Dave's ears, the words sounded pathetic.

"Yes, actually, he did. More than once," Harry answered. "Got a few things straightened out."

"Good, the cunt needed to apologize." Dave placed the empty glasses on the bar, signaled for the bartender. "He needs to do a lot more than that, but I suppose an apology was as much as he was willing to give."

Harry gave Dave a look of pure bafflement, leaned against the counter. "Can I ask you something, while we're playing nice?"

Dave tried to hide his wariness as he answered. "Sure."

"What did Karl ever do to you?"

"Absolutely nothing." Dave looked away, the movement abrupt.

Harry cupped Dave's cheek, turned Dave back to him, but the touch wasn't gentle this time. Now it was insistent. "Then why all this animosity toward him? You haven't said a nice word to him the entire time we've known you."

Dave met Harry's eyes without flinching. "He's done nothing to deserve it."

Harry just looked at him for another minute, eyes seeking. He abruptly let go, and Dave felt the loss down to his toes. "Somehow I get the feeling you and I are talking about two different things," Harry said, and turned to give the bartender their order.

"We usually are, love," Dave said, managing to inject just the right amount of cheekiness into his voice to make the word something less than an endearment. He should have stopped then. He knew it. But he didn't, couldn't. "You have to admit though, Karl's an arrogant fucker."

"Should have known the truce was too good to last," Harry muttered, giving Dave an unreadable look. "Do you really want to have this fight with me?"

"It's what we do best." Dave winced inside. Unfortunately, it was what he and Harry did best. And from the looks of things -- namely Karl and young Orlando -- it was all he and Harry would be doing.

"Well, why don't we save it, hmm? We'll have a nice fight at Council next week." Harry smiled at him, really smiled, and God, it was like fucking sunshine bursting into the room. Trite, but true. And Dave simply melted under its brilliance.

Dave smiled back. Or tried to...wasn't sure he quite succeeded. All he could do was stare, amazed at how that smile transformed Harry's face, turned it into something beyond beautiful. He opened his mouth to speak and closed it just as quickly when a warm arm slung itself around his neck.

"Harry, love, you don't mind if I borrow Dave here for a moment, do you?" Orlando asked, flashing Harry a bright smile. Dave opened his mouth again and received a kick in the ankle for his efforts.

"Be my guest," Harry said, transferring his smile to Orlando. "We've about reached our tolerance with each other, anyway."

"Good." Orlando leaned forward to kiss Harry. "I'll let you have him back when I'm done with him."

Dave stood there, tried not to watch, tried to ignore them. He liked Orlando. He did. But watching how casual the kid was with Harry now -- and watching how Harry responded -- was just a little more than he wanted to deal with.

"No, it's okay, you can keep him." Dave knew Harry was only teasing, but it broke his heart all the same. He couldn't even think of a good parting shot as Orlando led him away from the bar.

+ + +

Orlando slid his arm through Dave's, linking them together as they walked. He could tell by Dave's expression that the vampire was curious, wary, and a little confused. Good. That's how Orlando wanted him.

"So," he began as he led Dave towards a less crowded corner, "tell me...how long?"

Blue eyes looked at him, mystified. "How long what?"

Orlando gave Dave a sweet smile, patted him gently on the cheek. And he spoke slowly, taking care to clearly enunciate each word. "How long have you been in love with Harry?"

Dave reeled back, looked as if Orlando had just hit him. "What are you talking about?"

"You. And Harry. How long?" Orlando continued to smile at Dave, the expression now triumphant and very, very satisfied. Bingo. He was right. Christ, but he couldn't wait to say 'I told you so' to three vampires and one pet.

Dave sagged into the wall. "How?" He didn't need to complete the question. Orlando knew what he meant.

"It's in your eyes when you look at him," Orlando said, voice low and gentle. "That's why you acted like that in your office the other day, isn't it? When I told you about what had happened between me and Harry."

Dave nodded, the motion so defeated that Orlando's heart went out to him. "Yeah," Dave answered in a small voice, turning his eyes away from Orlando's. Orlando followed his gaze, saw Harry with his head thrown back, apparently laughing over something Karl just said.

Orlando wrapped his arms around his waist and looked down for a moment. "I know how it is. He just kinda sucks you in and makes you forget everything." He stepped close to Dave, lifted his head, smiled. "Ever thought about just telling him?"

Dave jerked his head back to Orlando. "You have got to be kidding." He crossed his arms, settled himself against the wall. "He's always had Karl. Now he's got you. I don't stand a chance now."

"Ah, I see." Orlando nodded sadly, leaned against the wall beside Dave. His eyes moved to Harry and Karl across the room. "You're scared. S'okay, he scared me, too, at first."

"I'm not scared." Dave's voice was subdued. "I'm terrified. I've wanted him for so long..."

"So go get him. He doesn't bite." Orlando laughed and decided he might want to rephrase that. "Okay, so he doesn't bite hard." He paused, gave Dave a curious look. "You don't happen to have a navel ring, do you?"

"You know, you mentioned that in my office the other day," Dave replied, lips curving in a small smile. "And I'm so fucking pathetic I actually considered it."

Orlando positively beamed. There was no other word Dave could think of to describe it. "Do it! I can vouch for the fact that it drives Harry nuts," Orlando whispered with a conspiratorial wink.

Dave let out a small laugh. "Thanks. But no. Not quite my style, I'm afraid. Besides, I could pierce my dick and parade around in front of him naked, covered in honey, and he wouldn't see past you or Karl."

"You know," Orlando said slowly, a thoughtful look in his eyes, "that just might work. You up for it?"

Dave shook his head, his smile wry. "Anybody ever tell you that you're delusional?"

"Just Karl, but I ignore him." Orlando grinned, moved over to lean against Dave. "So...telling him is out. As is piercing your dick, covering yourself in honey, and parading around naked in front of him. Which I think would be hot, by the way. What else is there? I know!" He snapped his fingers. "Smiles and kisses!"

Dave leaned his head against Orlando's, went back to watching Harry. His favorite pastime. "Why are you so interested, anyway? You've got them both to yourself."

"Perhaps I like sharing the wealth," Orlando smirked, then nudged Dave with his elbow. "He's gorgeous when he smiles, isn't he?"

"Beyond," Dave sighed. "It was that smile I fell in love with first, you know. First day on the job, newly turned vamp, and I was so terrified I'd screw up, that Viggo would realize how inadequate I was. And Harry walked into my office, smiled at me, and told me to ignore Viggo and to run the office the way I saw fit. I don't even think he knows how much that meant to me."

Orlando blinked, startled. That story sounded awfully familiar. He glanced at Dave, then back at Harry. Karl was watching, so Orlando summoned a smile for him. "Have you ever thought about it?"

Dave tore his eyes away from Harry. "Thought about what?"

"Just walking right over there and kissing him."

"Of course I've thought about it," Dave replied, sounding a bit grumpy. "I think about it all the bloody time. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?"

"So why don't you do it?" Orlando was genuinely curious. Dave had to be the first reluctant vampire he'd ever met.

Dave pointed at Karl. "In case it has escaped your notice, Harry is in love with a god. He doesn't see me. He's never seen me."

"Harry's also in love with me, and I'm not..." Orlando clapped his hand over his mouth and turned bright red the second the words were out of his mouth. "Oh fuck, I'm sorry." He cursed himself, banged his head against the wall at his back.

"It's okay, you're just as gorgeous as Karl." Dave reached between them, clasped Orlando's hand in a friendly gesture.

Orlando squeezed Dave's fingers. "Thanks." He took a deep breath, glanced at Dave, just as quickly shifted his gaze back to Harry. ""Maybe he's never seen you because you've never given him a reason to. The direct approach works with him, you know."

"Works for you, you mean," Dave replied, looking across the room with a pensive expression. "Nothing works for me. He's not interested. But it's cool. 'Cause, you know, he's got you now. He's got Karl back. He's happy."

"He needs someone who will be just for him. I can't be that person. Neither can Karl, not anymore." Orlando watched Dave from the corner of his eye. "Of course, I can understand if you're scared. Better to be a live coward, I always say." He straightened up, preparing to walk back to Karl and Harry, was snared by Dave's hand on his arm.

"I would be any bloody thing he wanted me to be." Dave continued to look at Harry. "Anything at all. But. He. Is. Not. Interested."

"Have you ever honestly tried to find out if he is?" Orlando hissed, careful to not draw attention. "Hell...if I can go to his goddamn house alone when I'm so terrified of him that my knees are knocking together, I think that you could at least make an effort to get his attention." Orlando took a deep breath, squared his shoulders. He wanted to be friends with Dave, and he was aware that his next words just might kill that chance. "You love him, but I'm starting to think you don't love him enough."

"Easy for you to say." Dave looked at Orlando, gaze traveling from his toes to his head in one insolent sweep. "You look like Karl. You dress like Karl. Hell, you're fucking bonded to him." Dave's voice was low, cutting. "Do you think Harry would have given you a second glance if it hadn't been for Karl?"

"Why don't you go ask him yourself? Oh, that's right." Orlando's fingers snapped again, unwilling to admit how much Dave's words stung. "You won't do that because he's Harry, and you're Dave, and Dave never does anything that might draw Harry's attention in a positive way."

Dave loomed over Orlando, baring the tips of his fangs as he smiled. The grip on Orlando's arm changed subtly, became confining. "Anyone ever tell you that it's not wise to piss off a young vampire?" Dave's every word was beyond frigid. "We're not completely in control of our emotions. And I could do a lot of damage to you before Karl even noticed you were in pain."

"It's not wise to piss off an old vampire either, but I do that a lot, so why should you be any different?" Orlando glared at Dave, made no effort to free his arm. "Go ahead. Do something to me. Not like I can stop you, right?" His eyes narrowed. "But if you're going to do it, you better do it quick because I haven't got the whole blocking thing down just yet."

"Yes, and it would be just what you want, wouldn't it? To bring Harry's attention over here, to create a situation. Well, bugger that." Dave released Orlando's arm like it was something vile. "You're not going to force me into anything just so you can gloat." Dave bestowed a hard, empty smile on Orlando and left.

Orlando watched him go, muttering under his breath. He stood there for a moment before stalking back to join Harry and Karl. So much for that idea. He was back at square one because Dave obviously did not want any help when it came to Harry. No, of course not. Fucker'd rather be miserable.

//Who would?//

"That little ratshit of a vampire that Viggo calls his assistant," Orlando snapped, answering Karl as he rejoined them.

Harry's delighted laughter rang out over the room as he planted a hard kiss on Orlando's lips. "Now I'm positive I love you."

Karl looked as if he was about to say something, didn't. //What about your little theory?//

"Yeah, love you, too," Orlando mumbled, leaning against Harry. //And my theory was right on the fucking money. For what it was worth.//

//Which means what?// Karl snagged a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, sipped it as he waited for an answer.

//Which means Dave is head over heels in love with Harry, but he's too much of a goddamn chicken shit to do anything about it.// Orlando frowned at the floor, crossed his arms over his chest. He looked up to find Viggo watching him, so he smirked. "By the way, Gramps, I was right and you all were wrong."

//So it would seem, child// Viggo answered mildly. //But I wouldn't go around calling my assistant a chicken shit just yet. Just because he doesn't jump head first into situations like you doesn't make him a coward.//

"Head first?" Orlando yelped, disbelief crossing his face. "Head first? Do you have any idea...." Orlando trailed off, aware of the stunned looks directed at him. "Fucker," he muttered under his breath and went back to frowning at the floor.

//You were saying?//

Orlando lifted his head, glared at Viggo. "Your assistant is a dick, and you are no better. Arrogant, manipulative cocksucker."

"He's arguing with Vig," Harry laughed, rolling his eyes at Karl, visibly amused at the intense concentration Orlando was leveling at Viggo.

From across the room, Viggo smiled. //Keep complimenting me like that and I'll never think you're angry with me.//

Orlando looked at Harry, still frowning. "Oh, shut up."

Then his eyes moved back to Viggo and the frown intensified. "Why don't you go crawl back under your rock?"

Viggo didn't even attempt to rein in his laughter. //Just as soon as you concede that there are some things even you, with your considerable enthusiasm, can't fix.//

Harry leaned in, deliberately brushing his body against Orlando's. "Ignore him. Concentrate on us, instead," he murmured in Orlando's ear.

"Stop that." Orlando placed his hand in the middle of Harry's chest and pushed. Not that it did much good. But it was worth a shot. He couldn't fucking think when Harry touched him like that.

Orlando's eyes never left Viggo, nor did his frown change. "And there is nothing I can't fix. And I'll prove it."

Warm breath fanned across Orlando's cheek and ear as Harry bent his head, voice a low purr when he spoke. "Little one, he's just trying to push your --"

"Would you stop it for a damn minute?" Orlando snapped, turning his glare on Harry, sparks snapping in the depths of his eyes.

Harry took a step back, looked at Karl. "Come on, then, old man. Child doesn't want our company tonight, who are we to say no to him?"

Karl nodded. "We'll be at Harry's, should you get over yourself long enough to join us." The kiss he placed on Orli's hair was almost an after-thought as he followed Harry out the door.

Orlando glared at their retreating backs, pissed beyond belief. Fine, they wanted to leave? Fuck 'em. He'd just go home and go to sleep.

He lifted his chin and started towards the door.

//Stop right there.// And, even as pissed as Orlando was, he was helpless to disobey the command ringing in his ears. His feet stayed rooted to the floor as Viggo walked up to him, frowning. "What in the world has gotten into you?"

"Absolutely nothing that a good night's sleep won't cure," Orlando replied, voice low and sullen.

"Which I'm sure you're going to get now that you've kicked both of your lovers out of your bed."

"Wrong, they chose to leave without me." Orlando tipped his head back and looked at Viggo. Fuck him, too.

"Only because you pushed them," Viggo replied. "Now tell me what's wrong."

Orlando shrugged and glanced away. "Let 'em go to Harry's, see if I care," he muttered. He looked back at Viggo. "And your fucking assistant threatened me because he apparently didn't like what I fucking said to him."

Viggo barely resisted the urge to pat the young mortal on the head. He settled for handing Orlando a flute of champagne. "What did you say to him? Dave's one of the most easy-going people I've ever met. Precisely why we get along so well."

"I told him he was a coward."

"Ah well, what was he thinking? How dare he get angry at you for calling him that?" Viggo asked, his voice faintly mocking.

Orlando resisted the urge to growl. "If you had any idea how long he's been in love with Harry, you wouldn't be so damn flippant about this."

"I'm still wondering how any of this is your business. I understand your desire to help Karl and Harry get things back on track, since you helped tear them apart." Viggo picked up Orli's hand, traced the crest on the ring. "But Harry and Dave is no one's business except theirs."

"Fine, I stand corrected." Orlando snatched back his hand and looked at Viggo, gaze steady. "Can I go now?"

Viggo inclined his head slightly. "If you wish. I'll leave you to pout on your own." Another faint, mocking smile and Viggo walked away from him, to the other side of the room.

Orlando bit his tongue to keep from saying the first thing that came to mind. He had no doubt that Viggo was still listening to him and he was in no mood to go another round with the vampire. He spun on his heel and started towards the door, his hand digging in his pocket for the car keys. Then he stopped.

Fuck. Karl had the damn keys.

Orlando groaned softly and wondered just how far it was back to the house.
